Thursday, December 8, 2011

Well folks. Here it now has all of my senior project portraits on it! But I highly suggest you see my work in person this weekend/next week! My show will be up in the main gallery at MCAD from December 9th to the 16th. I've selected five portraits to be up on the wall and most of the others were put into a book along with a poem I wrote. The poem will hopefully give the viewer insight to some of the things I had rolling around in my head while making the paintings. It's a very personal project but ultimately I'd like you to think about what ever you want to while looking at it. Let me know what you think!

I'd also like to thank everyone again for helping me with this project! You will always hold a special place in my heart (cheesy...i know, but true).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm starting a portrait wall in my studio...let's see how fast I can fill it up! I'm also realizing how wrinkly they all are and will probably have to print the final pieces for the show. One month and two weeks left! Time is flyin'.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The collection of things in my studio is growing! Ahhh! Thankfully the art sale is fast approaching and will be selling the majority of it. :)

There is a major update on my senior project! I'm ditching the huge canvas (for now) and going with something I've recently fallen in love with. Here's a little sneak preview of my creations. I'm planning on doing 20 more portraits by the end of the semester. These will most likely be a continuous part of my portfolio.

Thanks everyone, in advance, for helping me out with this project!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I think I'm going to take and post pictures of my studio throughout the semester. It'll be cool to see how things change and grow. I have my wood panel and 2x4's ready to start making my senior project!

Monday, September 19, 2011

My all time favorite artist: Margaret Wall-Romana. Her work includes everything I am interested in and more. I absolutely love it! Check it out by clicking the link below.

Margaret Wall-Romana's Artwork

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm kind of really proud of this portrait of Abe Lincoln I did for my Intro to Graphic Design class. I've always been hesitant about using type in my artwork, scared it would take away from the image. I'm hoping this class will give me the confidence to combine the two. Not bad for the first assignment! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

I have some exciting news! This past week my friend, Barta, got those tattoos done that I drew for him a couple months ago! I'm so unbelievably happy that he actually got it done! I took him to St. Sabrina's, a place I've been to for one of my own tattoos. We looked through some of the artist's books and made an appointment with Jers. He's been tattooing for about twenty years so Barta felt pretty confident that he'd do a great job, and he did! They look almost exactly like my sketches! I asked Barta if he's satisfied with the results and he said...

"Are you freaking kidding me. I love them!"


I have one more exciting thing to share. I'm one semester away from graduating college! Woot woot! The first week of classes went by perfectly. And my revised senior project is going to be amazing! Just sayin'...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wow. What a weekend!

I went back to the homeland (Milwaukee) this past Friday so I could be a part of my churches arts and crafts sale. I brought with me some originals and prints of my most popular paintings along with a couple of decorative things I whipped up especially for the sale. It was a great turn out, no rain, and a decent amount of people. A special thanks to my friends and family that showed up to support me. It truly made me happy! A couple things I need to remember for next time though...bring a table cloth, a wall to hang my work on, and a personalized sign.

Here are a few of the paintings I made specifically for the sale:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Check out my teacher, Melodee Strong's facebook site. The link I'm posting is of the summer mural project that we helped out with at John Glenn middle school. It will walk you through the whole process and shows what the final looks like!!/media/set/?set=a.10150223392322801.335992.309576487800

The next mural project starts June 20th. Can't wait!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We just finished up the first mural project. I will hopefully be posting pictures of that soon! I've had to struggle through these past weeks with a BAD cold. "Why does it have to linger?" I also have to be out of my house in exactly a week! So much to do!

I at least was able to draw up a tattoo for a friend. He wanted me to draw up my own version of Valkyrie wings. Something simple, masculine, and awesome for his forearms. There will be one wing on each. Can't wait to see if he actually gets it done!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today was my first day as an intern! And let me tell ya, the memories of middle school came flooding back as soon as I stepped foot inside. It's interesting being on the other half of things. I'm now considered a "teacher" instead of a student and actually really like it so far! Feels good to put my knowledge as an artist to use and show these kids new ways of thinking and problem solving.

The mural we will be working on is going in the music hallway of John Glenn middle school. We had the kids sketch out some ideas according to the theme diversity and music. It was refreshing seeing the way they intuitively came up with solutions to the concept and will be interesting combining all of their sketches together into one cohesive mural. Tomorrow we are going to have the kids gesso the wall and piece together the complete design.

While the kids were sketching, I had a chance to come up with something of my own to inspire them to think more abstractly. Above is my interpretation of sound, a violin or stringed instrument. I'll be adding color to this the next chance I get but love how it turned out!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I love finding stuff I completely forgot about! When I was packing up my car with canvases from my studio, I got an amazing surprise. I opened the trunk and the mirror my gramps gave me about a month ago was still sitting there. He's been slowly giving me some of my grandma's treasures ever since she passed away. Unfortunately I don't have anywhere to put it right now as I'm in the process of moving. It will find a new home soon! <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In honor of it being the end of the worst semester in the history of semesters...I'm finally making a blog to host my process through life as an artist. The semester wasn't all bad but life threw some harsh obstacles at me. It feels pretty amazing to make it past those and move on with life.

So, here's to new beginnings!

I'm starting my internship tomorrow and I'm super excited! I will be working with kids on several mural paintings throughout the course of the summer. Aside from that I'm continuing my senior project. Two feet by four feet just isn't a big enough canvas for me. I need to work bigger! And aside from art, I'm going to teach myself how to skateboard.

Well...time to get at it!